Part 1 ? Getting Started with Kloxo

Kloxo is a light-weight control panel that is both memory friendly and powerful. It has all the features included in all leading control panels such as mail, spam filter, PHP, CGI, Perl, SUexec, FTP, MySQL and much more. This guide is meant to get you started with Kloxo and explain the basic features needed to get your website up and running.

Logging In

There are several ways to access Kloxo:

  1. By clicking the "Kloxo" tab through HyperVM (no login required)
  2. or - You can access the control panel through any IP address allocated to the server. This is useful when your domain transfer has not yet propagated. (replace with your VPS's IP address)
  3. http://yourdomain:7778 - You can access the control panel through any hosted domain by putting :7778 at the end of the domain. (non-SSL)
  4. https://yourdomain:7777 - You can access the control panel securely using SSL through any hosted domain by putting :7777 at the end of the domain.

A login window will appear. Enter your username (admin) and password and you should have successfully logged in.













We recommend the first thing you do is change the admin password for Kloxo. You can change the password by clicking on the "Password" icon in the Administration box towards the top of the page. Enter your current password in the first field and your new password in the remaining boxes. Then click "Update"

















After you change your password return to the main screen by clicking "Home" tab.

Pop-up Notifications

Kloxo will remind you of particular settings you should update using a pink colored pop-up box. You will notice different messages based on the area of Kloxo you are using. It is a good idea to follow the links provided to setup the particular section Kloxo is warning you about. Pop-ups will include contact information, setting up lxguard, setting a mail server identity, changing the default SSH port, and possibly one on setting up a default DNS template. They look like the following:






Extra Help

After clicking on most icons, a red/orange outlined box of information on using a particular feature is usually present. These boxes are located at the bottom of the page below the options. This includes information on how to use the feature as well as how to configure it. An example can be found below:

Navigation through Kloxo

Navigation through the various Kloxo options is done in two primary locations. The first option is the Tree View found in the upper-left corner.




























By clicking the ?+? next to each option you can navigate through the various options. Each item shown has an equivalent icon on the middle section of the page. The "Client", "Server" and "File" options will be explained in greater detail later in the document.

The second set of tabs you will see are located in the center window and are used for options that are available for your current screen




Another method of navigation Kloxo uses are called "breadcrumb" trails. These appear just above the second set of tabs and provide navigation for your most recent choices. They are only present if you have navigated through several screens.

Kloxo takes advantage of one other navigation option in the top right corner, just above the "Tree View" portion of the page:

Due to the many options for navigation in Kloxo getting around can sometimes be a bit daunting. If in doubt, click the "Home" icon - which is the first icon shown in the picture above to get back to the main screen. Most options you need to use regularly are found in three places:

  1. The "Home" screen which can be reached by clicking the large blue "Home" icon
  2. The "Server" screen which can be reached by clicking the "Servers" option in Tree View
  3. The "Domains" area which can be reached by going to the "Home" screen then clicking the "Domains" tab.

Selecting Default Programs

By default Kloxo uses the following programs for web services:

  • Web server ? lighttpd
  • Spam filter ? bogofilter
  • DNS ? djbdns

You can change the default programs by clicking the "Switch Program" icon in the Server:linux box on the home screen. Most people are more familiar with Apache as the web server and Spam Assassin as the spam filter. You can switch to one or both of these from the Switch Program screen. We recommend you change your default programs BEFORE you setup any domains, assuming you want to switch default programs.


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